Fun holiday party ideas
Last night I had the pleasure of hosting our One Good Thing By Jillee Christmas Party at my house. It wasn’t a huge gathering like my family party last Saturday, so we were able to actually play a few games and ended up having such a fun time with them I decided to make it today’s post. (I love the unpredictability of blogging! Sometimes.)
I’m sure many of you will be hosting, or going to, holiday parties in the next several days, and if you’re looking for some tried and true games to play, you’ve come to the right place. We tried them, and we LIKED them!
First up, we played the Christmas Movie Trivia Game! This was fun for all ages! It was funny to see how the younger people were able to answer the more recent movie questions while the “older generation” definitely had the edge when it came to the classics.
We found the quiz at and really liked it. It was a good mix of questions about new and old movies and everyone managed to get at least a handful correct. Just copy and paste into a text document, print out enough copies for everyone and make sure everyone has a pen or pencil.
There are 25 questions and after everyone answers all the questions to the best of their ability, the person with the most correct answers WINS! Straight forward fun!
The second game we played was Blind-Folded Christmas Tree Decorating.
We did this in pairs, but it could be done individually as well. Each person is given a large green piece of paper, several ornament stickers, and a blindfold.
Set one minute on a timer and those playing must somehow fashion a Christmas tree out of the paper by tearing, folding, or whatever else they can think of. No scissors allowed. Then they have to “decorate” their tree with the stickers. An impartial judge (or partial one if that’s all that’s available) decides who the winner is!
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