Bellevue Entertainment
After 40 years of providing entertainment in the city of Bellevue, Skate King management announced last month that the roller rink will be closing on June 30th. Around 500 people strapped on skates on May 30 to celebrate and remember the rink during an after hours farewell skate party.
Historian Kate Thibodeau points to recreation on the lake as a representative example of the challenge in putting together “Lake Sammamish: Through Time, ” a new photographic history book of the lake, released by Fonthill Media and Arcadia Publishing April 20.
Kent Reporter
Theresa Caputo, psychic and star of the hit TLC show, "Long Island Medium, " will appear at the ShoWare Center in Kent at 7 p.m. on Sunday, June 7.
The concert, performed by Laurie Clothier and accompanied by the Purple Phoenix Orchestra, kicks off at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 11, at the UPAC Auditorium located at 16330 N.E. 4th street in Bellevue.
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